September 9, 2022

Submitted by stephanc on

September 9, 2022



Daily Announcements

Friday, September 9th, 2022


Important Information:


  • ATTENTION STUDENTS IN KINARD’S GIFTED AND TALENTED PROGRAM: Today, all students in Kinard’s GT Program will be meeting for lunch in the media center to kick off the year. This is a required meeting with Mrs. Grigg, Kinard’s GT Coordinator.  Please bring your sack lunch to the media center. Students will be doing fun activities as they learn about the awesome year ahead in GT!   Please see Mrs. Grigg in the GT office, room 306, downstairs orange pod, for any questions. 


  • This week’s winners for the Kinard Character Challenge are:
    • Adelle Ritchie
    • Adrian LeDeaux
    • Logan Koenig
    • Please come to the front office to claim your prize.


  • Today is the last day for the Lunchroom Challenge to see what grade will earn Otter Pops. It’s going to be really close as to who will win, Mr. E says, “it’s anybody’s game!”


  • Hey Students! Did you know that we have a mascot and his name is Morty the mustang? How would you like to be the next Morty? We need one student with Kinard spirit and energy to wear our mascot costume at an upcoming high school football game. If you are interested, pick up a permission slip from the media center, fill it out with your parents and turn it in by next Thursday. We’ll pick one lucky winner the following week. 


  • Friday Fun
    • Q: What object is king of the classroom?
    • A: The ruler!
  • Speaking of rulers, don’t forget to check Lost and Found for your lost pencil pouches, water bottles, lunch boxes, etc. before this weekend.



  • Fitness Club starts on Monday, September 12th, every Monday and Wednesday after school until 4pm. See Mr. Rollings in Room 312 for more information.
  • MathCounts starts on Tuesday, September 13th. We will meet in the media center from 3:15-4:15. You do not need to sign up, but you can see Ms. Bonertz in the office or at lunch if you have any questions or need more information.



  • Varsity Tennis has a match at Fossil Creek Park at 3:30 PM. Varsity Tennis dismisses from class at 1:50 and the bus loads at 2:10. JV Tennis Practice is canceled. 


Lunch/Rec Time -   Students, please do not set down your phones or other valuable items during lunch or lunch rec time.  Items can easily be picked up by mistake, a friend may decide to play a “joke” on you, or someone may walk off with your item.  Please, Please keep track of your valuables.  If you plan to participate in activities during lunch rec time, it is recommended to store your valuables in your locker. Kindard is not responsible for your lost items.   



  • Today the lunch options are:
    • Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup
    • Chicken Nuggets
    • Deli 
    • Or Veggie Pizza
  • Pancake & Sausage wrap will be served for breakfast on Monday
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