Cell Phone Free Policy

Kinard Cell Phone Free Guidelines

In accordance with PSD Board Policy JICJ: Student Possession and Use of Personal Communication Devices, the use of cell phones or any other electronic device will not be permitted during school hours. The purpose of the following guidelines are to ensure that students focus on learning and engage fully in school activities without the distractions caused by cell phones. The guidelines aim to create a productive learning environment that promotes academic success and personal development. 


  • Prohibition of cell phones, headphones, and all other electronic devices:
    • Students are not permitted to use or display cell phones during school hours. This includes classrooms, hallways, restrooms, and any other areas within the school premises.
    • Cell phones must be silenced and out of sight. Cell phones can be stored in lockers or designated areas upon arrival at school and may only be retrieved at the end of the school day.
    • The school is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged cell phones. Students bring cell phones to school at their own risk.
  • Consequences for Violations:
    • 1st offense: If a cell phone or other electronic personal devices is seen or heard during school hours without expressed permission, staff will confiscate the device and deliver it to the main office. The student can pick up their cell phone in the main office at the end of the school day.
    • 2nd offense: If the personal device is confiscated for a second time, the main office will only return the item to a parent/guardian.
    • 3rd offense: If the personal device is confiscated for a third time, the student will be required to turn their personal device into the main office for the school day for one week of school, or longer, as determined by school administration. 
    • If the personal device is confiscated beyond a third time, the behavior will be considered willful disobedience and Kinard administration will follow the PSD Student Code of Conduct to determine the appropriate consequence. 

Questions & Answers

Can my child bring their phone to school?

Yes, students are allowed to bring their phones to school. All cell phones must be silenced and out of sight. 

How should parents/guardians communicate with their children during the school day? Parents needing to contact their children during school hours should call the school office at 970.488.5400 and messages will be relayed promptly. Furthermore, in case of an emergency, students may use the school office phone or request permission to use their cell phones under supervision to speak with their parent/guardian.

What if my child requires the use of a phone-based app or electronic accessory as a part of an individual learning plan or medical need? 

Students with documented medical conditions that require the use of a cell phone may have a cell phone on their person. The terms of this policy shall not apply to a student with a documented need per the student’s IEP, 504, or HCAP. Please contact your child’s case manager and/or counselor to ensure that we have proper plans in place to begin the new school year. 

Are smartwatches and e-book readers allowed during the school day?

Yes, students may wear smartwatches and/or have e-book readers as long as they are used only for telling time or reading. Smartwatches used as a communication device will not be allowed. We will follow the same steps when students violate the cell phone policy if students use their smartwatches or e-book readers as communication devices.

We want to thank our Kinard families for supporting these guidelines. We encourage all families to discuss and understand the expectations. 

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