Important Information:
- Today is the day! The Dodgeball Tournament is happening after school in the two gyms. Come ready to compete! Red Division Teams need to check in with Mrs. Jordan outside of the Big Gym at 3:30 pm sharp! Blue Division Teams need to check in at 5:15 pm. See you after school!
- This Friday at the beginning of ELO we will have a Parade of Champions to honor our sports, clubs and performances that took place this winter. If you participated in Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Wrestling, Science Olympiad, Science Bowl, Math Counts, PSD Honor Choir, All State Choir, CU Honor Band, please go directly to the gym at the end of 7th period.
- Interested in being a helper on the Unified Basketball team for this season? This is a wonderful opportunity to help your peers and play basketball at the same time. Applications are still available in Student Services. Those are due by March 14th. See Ms. Irvine with any questions.
- Hey Mustangs, as we get ready for Spring Break, please take a minute to check your locker and prepare for the break. Take home or throw away any food or perishable items that could attract unwanted critters or cause smells or messes over the break. Spring Break is also a good time to take home PE clothes to wash them and to declutter and organize any school supplies, papers, etc. Let’s make sure we come back to school on Monday, March 24th to clean and organized lockers. Thank you!
- Pop and Frozen Friday are here tomorrow! Stop by the Mustang Corral after school to pick up hot cocoa, cookies, popcorn, bottled water, ice cream, and Mama Perez burritos.
- Baking Club has been cancelled today and will resume after Spring Break
- Theater Club has been cancelled today and will resume after Spring Break
- Dungeons and Dragons Club meets today from 3:15 to 4:30 in Mr. Costello’s room (416)
- Three student-led clubs meet Friday Mornings. The Rhythmic Writing Club will meet in Mr. Graham’s room (311) at 7:20 am and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Teens Club will meet tomorrow morning in room (300) at 7:30 am. Also, the Debate Club meets tomorrow morning at 7:20 in Mrs. Darrow’s room (508)
- Pixels and Pencils meet tomorrow from 3:15 to 4:15 in Ms. Houston’s art room (509).
- Softball Camp continues this week after school until 5 pm, remember to bring your mitt and water bottle
- Good luck to Gavin Stowe, Frankie Daher, Noah Menke who will be competing in Wrestling regionals this weekend. Go Mustangs!
- Today the lunch options are:
- Taco Bar Beef and Rice
- Cold Deli Yogurt and Seasonal Bread
- Southwest Chicken Salad
- Breakfast tomorrow will be Bagel and Cream Cheese