Important Information:
- There is an NJHS meeting for all NJHS members that have gone through induction and are currently enrolled this Monday, January 27th at 7:20 am in the Media Center. Students that have applied to NJHS will be receiving notification about your application by January 31. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Darrow or Mrs. Hergenreder.
- Attention 7th graders, if you need help with your 8th grade leadership class application or WeVideo, please come to the Media Center during ELO today. See your ELO teacher first for attendance before heading down today.
- Pop and Frozen Fridays has been cancelled for today and will resume as normal next Friday.
- Today is Restart Friday! Regular and specialty ELO Teachers: please remind your students to restart their laptops today to refresh connections and process updates. And don’t forget to also restart your classroom spare laptop. Thank you for helping to keep our laptops in tip-top shape!
- Fitness Club meets Monday after school in the Fitness Center from 3:15-4:00.
- Baking Club meets Monday after school from 3:15 to 4:30 in room 300.
- Girls Basketball teams have games against Wellington on Monday. Varsity/JV play here and C Teams play away.
- Wrestling practice continues today from 3:30 to 5:30 in the small gym.
- Today the lunch options are:
- Chicken Strips and Roll
- Homemade Chili and Dinner Roll
- Fruit and Yogurt Box
- Steamed Carrots
- Turkey or Ham and Cheese Sandwich
- Breakfast on Monday will be Mini Cinnamon Rolls