Important Information:
- Lost & Found will be picked up today! Please stop at the cafeteria as soon as possible and check to see if we have your missing item.
- Today is Restart Friday! Regular and specialty ELO Teachers: please remind your students to restart their laptops today to refresh connections and process updates. And don't forget to also restart your classroom spare laptop. Thank you for helping to keep our laptops in tip-top shape!
- Pop and Frozen Fridays has been cancelled for today and will resume as normal next Friday and will offer a special treat: Valentine's Day Sugar Cookies from Mary Mountain’s and Momma Perez Burritos-yummy!
- NJHS is holding an induction ceremony for its new members this Monday, February 10th at 7:20 am in the Media Center. Congratulations to all new members!
- Baking Club meets Monday after school from 3:15 to 4:30 in room 300
- Fitness Club meets Monday after school in the newly renovated Fitness Center from 3:15 to 4:00.
- Girls Basketball Teams have a game against Preston on Monday with Varsity/JV playing away and C Teams playing here.
- Our Mustang Wrestlers enjoyed a big victory over Lincoln yesterday. Next week they will take on Boltz. Nice job wrestlers.
- Today the lunch options are:
- Chicken and Waffles
- Steamed Broccoli
- Turkey or Ham and Cheese Sandwich
- Fruit and Yogurt Box
- Breakfast Monday will be Mini Pancakes