Important Information:
- Today, at the beginning of ELO we will have a Parade of Champions to honor our sports, clubs and performances that took place this winter. If you participated in Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Wrestling, Science Olympiad, Science Bowl, Math Counts, PSD Honor Choir, All State Choir, CU Honor Band, please go directly to the gym at the end of 7th period.
- Hey Mustangs, as we get ready for Spring Break, please take a minute to check your locker and prepare for the break. Take home or throw away any food or perishable items that could attract unwanted critters or cause smells or messes over the break. Spring Break is also a good time to take home PE clothes to wash them and to declutter and organize any school supplies, papers, etc. Let’s make sure we come back to school on Monday, March 24th to clean and organized lockers. Thank you!
- Today is Restart Friday! Regular and specialty ELO Teachers: please remind your students to restart their laptops today to refresh connections and process updates. And don’t forget to also restart your classroom spare laptop. Thank you for helping to keep our laptops in tip-top shape!
- Pop and Frozen Fridays is here today! Stop by the Mustang Corral after school to pick up hot cocoa, cookies, popcorn, bottled water, ice cream, and Mama Perez burritos.
- What a great evening at Dodgeball Night last night! All teams looked amazing in your costumes and played incredible games! You can check the final leaderboard at tiny url dot com slash Kinard Dodgeball to see where you ended up! We will be doing a Championship game today between the two all-male teams tied for first place, the Robbers and the Weirdos and the two all-female teams tied for first place, the Fruit Loops and Benchwarmers: The Sequel. This game will happen at the end of 6th grade lunch and passes will be delivered to team members. Congratulations to the Mixed Division Champions the Pineapple Smashers! Please report to the Big Gym in ELO today to be awarded your championship medals and walk in the parade of Champions!
- Pixels and Pencils meets today from 3:15 to 4:15 in Ms. Houston’s art room (509).
- Fitness Club meets Monday after break in the Fitness Center from 3:15 to 4:00
- Baking Club meets Monday after break from 3:15 to 4:30 in room 300
- Softball Camp continues today after school until 5 pm, remember to bring your mitt and water bottle
- Good luck to Gavin Stowe, Frankie Daher, and Noah Menke who will be competing in Wrestling regionals this weekend. Go Mustangs!
- Track and Field camp starts the Monday after spring break. If you plan to go out for track, remember to pack yourself some comfortable work out clothes, good shoes, and a water bottle. Track will meet in the main gym after school.
- Girls Golf - In very exciting news, Mrs. Husted is going to coach our girls golf team this year. Girls, if you are interested or were still considering trying out, talk to Mr. Healy or Mrs. Husted today. Tryouts start the Monday we come back from spring break.
- Today the lunch options are:
- Chicken and Waffles
- Cold Deli Yogurt and Seasonal Bread
- Ham or Turkey and Cheese Sandwich
- Breakfast Monday after Break will be Breakfast Round