Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Submitted by samclean on

Important Information:

  • Please remember to return any overdue books to the media center by tomorrow. Any books not returned by this date will be marked as missing and will be charged to your account. Please come by the media center if you have questions.
  • We hope your team has a great costume planned for Thursday’s Dodgeball Tournament! The schedule for each division is posted on the Dodgeball website: tiny url dot com slash Kinard dodgeball. We will have concessions available for purchase tomorrow night including pizza, hot dogs, and Mama Perez Burritos which can be purchased with cash or card at the Mustang Corral.
  • This Friday at the beginning of ELO we will have a Parade of Champions to honor our sports, clubs and performances that took place this winter. If you participated in Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Wrestling, Science Olympiad, Science Bowl, Math Counts, PSD Honor Choir, All State Choir, CU Honor Band, please go directly to the gym at the end of 7th period. 
  • Interested in being a helper on the Unified Basketball team for this season?  This is a wonderful opportunity to help your peers and play basketball at the same time.  Applications are still available in Student Services.  Those are due by March 14th.  See Ms. Irvine with any questions.



  • Coding Club has been cancelled today
  • Uno Club meets today after school from 3:00 to 4:00 in Ms. Eitsert’s room (313)
  • Fitness Club meets today after school from 3:15 to 4:00 in the Fitness Center
  • Theater Club meets today after school from 3:15 to 4:15
  • Science Bowl meets today after school from 3:15 to 4:30 in Ms. Eitsert’s room (313)
  • The Give Next Club meets today after school from 3:15 to 4:00 in the Media Center
  • Social Justice Service Learning Team meets today during ELO at 2:35 in the Media Center
  • In case you missed it on Monday, there will be a makeup Gold and Blue Science Olympiad meeting today about the State Competition in Room 526 during ELO from 2:30-2:55.
  • Baking Club has been cancelled tomorrow and will resume after Spring Break
  • Theater Club has been cancelled tomorrow and will resume after Spring Break
  • Dungeons and Dragons Club meets tomorrow from 3:15 to 4:30 in Mr. Costello’s room (416)



  • Softball Camp continues this week after school until 5 pm, remember to bring your mitt and water bottle



  • Today the lunch options are:
    • Cheese Calzone and Marinara
    • Cheese Ravioli and Roll
    • Protein Box
    • Ham or Turkey and Cheese Sandwich


  • Breakfast tomorrow will be Canadian Bacon and Cheese Biscuit Sandwich
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