February 14, 2023
Daily Announcements
Tuesday, February 14th, 2023
Important Information:
- National Ferris Wheel Day and Valentine’s Day
- Math Counts is today in the Media Center from 3:15pm-4:15pm.
- Running club is also today after school outside the gym from 3:15-4pm.
- Fitness Club is tomorrow.
- Congratulations to all four girls basketball teams last night with victories over CLP. The C teams were successful at home with big wins. The JV group used a combination of talents to dominate. The varsity powered through using their press to also win.
- Our wrestlers have a match today against Timnath! Those athletes will be traveling to Timnath and will be released from class at 1:45.
- Today the lunch options are:
- Cheese ravioli & roll
- Meatball sandwich
- Chef salad
- Served for breakfast tomorrow is a breakfast sausage pizza.