October 18, 2023

Submitted by stephanc on

October 18, 2023


Daily Announcements

Wednesday, October 18th, 2023

Important Information:

  • National Chocolate Cupcake Day


  • Wearing your college gear today?  Remember, take a photo of you and a teacher with both of you in your college gear on and email it to Mrs. Young or Ms. Irvine.  Or have your teacher email the photo. You will be entered into a drawing for a prize! 


  • Only one more day of this week’s College Scavenger Hunt!  To play, scan the QR code on the Scavenger Hunt posters found in the hallways, or go to Student Services to get of the game.  Answer forms are due tomorrow, Thursday, Oct. 19, by lunchtime.  5 contestants will win prizes!


  • "Greetings from Science Olympiad! We wanted to remind you to turn in your registration form A.S.A.P. if you haven't already, as well as go to the club's webpage (found on Kinard's home page) and join the Google Classroom so that you can complete the Event choice form. The club's webpage will have the start dates for each event, as well as the time slot offering posted on the club website by the end of this week. There will be NO Science Night this Thursday. However, there will be one next Thursday on the 26th from 6-8. Please attend if your coach offers their time during this slot for an event you expressed interest in on your form."


  • “Hey Mustangs, if you bike, skateboard, or ride anything with wheels to school, please be sure to dismount and walk your bike or skateboard when you get close to the school. You should walk your bike or skateboard anywhere in our front yard, where it is crowded with people in the morning and afternoons. Once you get to the bike racks, you must get off. If you bring your skateboard into the building, be sure to walk it in and don’t ride it please. Thank you for doing your part to be respectful of others and to keep everyone safe.”


  • Tomorrow afternoon we will have a parade of champions to celebrate everyone who participated in Fall athletics. If you were part of the Football, Volleyball, Cross Country or Tennis teams, you need to head to the gym after 8th period instead of going to your ELO. After the parade, you will head back to your ELO. 



  • Fitness Club is today from 3:15 - 4pm in the weight room.
  • Mustang Kickers Club is also today from 3:15 - 4pm in Room Room 416.
  • "National Novel Writing Month Club, also known as NaNoWriMo, is Happening this Fall! Our first meeting takes place Thursday, October 26th, 3:10 PM-4:00 PM in Mr. Yacobucci’s Room (416). After the first meeting, we will meet every Thursday in November after school. See Mr. Yacobucci if you have any questions. LET THE WRITING BEGIN!"



  • Today the lunch options are:
    • Asian Bar Thai Chicken
    • Turkey Avocado Club Wrap
    • BBQ Chicken Pizza
  • Served for breakfast tomorrow is a pancake & sausage wrap
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