August 18, 2023

Submitted by stephanc on

August 18, 2023


Daily Announcements

Friday, August 18, 2023

Important Information:

  • National Ice Cream Pie Day


  • Friday’s riddle:
    • Q:  What belongs to you but is used more by others? 
    • Answer: Your name.


  • If you are interested in being one of the students who reads morning announcements to our community each morning, please swing by and talk with Mrs. Beecher in Student Services. 


  • Admin: We wanted to share a quick announcement about lunch while we have everyone in the school listening. As we shared at all lunches yesterday, we encourage students to take responsibility for cleaning up after themselves at lunch time. That means composting, recycling, and throwing away all trash, cleaning above and below your table and wiping up any messes or spills that might happen. Mr. E and his custodial crew do an amazing job of keeping our school looking neat and clean for us, and it is not their job to pick up our trash or messes. We all need to do our part to ensure our building is a great place to learn and be in. Therefore, we have a challenge for you. Today and all of next week, Mr. E is going to be deciding which grade level has left the cafeteria the cleanest each day. The grade level that accomplishes this the most, will be the first grade to get to play gaga ball at lunch this year. So if you are really excited for gaga at lunch, make sure you and your friends are doing a great job cleaning up at lunch. We will announce the winning grade level at next Friday’s ELO assembly!


Also, a few reminders for when you arrive at school each morning…only students who are planning to eat breakfast may enter the building through the main doors at 7:45 AM. Everyone else will wait outside on the front lawn until we open the main doors at 8 AM. Even if you need to take an instrument to a music locker or change out for PE, you need to wait until 8 AM to be in the halls or classes. If you come in for breakfast at 7:45, you will stay in the cafeteria and can go to your locker when everyone else enters the building at 8 AM.


  • For those of you new to Kinard, we have a thriving performing arts and drama culture at our school. 🎭  6th, 7th, & 8th graders have the option of joining the Drama ELO first semester to participate in the annual Madrigal Dinner; a 16th century English manor performance similar to what you would see at the Colorado Renaissance Festival. Mr. Wheeler will be holding an informational meeting today during ELO to talk about drama ELO, the expectations, and commitments.  If you are interested in drama at Kinard, please go to your regular ELO class first for attendance at 2:30, then head to the choir room for the meeting. 


  • Football, Cross Country, Tennis and Volleyball have started at Kinard!  Let’s GOOOO Mustangs!  Our games and meets will begin soon and we look forward to packing the stands with Mustang fans!  Morning announcements will always include game day updates on where and when competitions will be held on that day but if you would like to plan ahead the schedules are on the Kinard website.


  • Today the lunch options are:
    • Chicken & Waffles
    • Cold Deli Yogurt
    • Ham or Turkey and Cheese Sandwich
    • Cheese or Meat Lovers Pizza
  • Served for breakfast on Monday is a Breakfast Round
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