September 19, 2023

Submitted by stephanc on

September 19, 2023


Daily Announcements

Tuesday, September 19, 2023


Important Information:

  • National Butterscotch Pudding Day


  • Don’t forget to come to an ELO meeting today in room 300 with Mrs. Grigg and Mrs. Flemming and learn how to join Kinard’s Give Next team.  Students in Kinard Give Next receive $5000 as a team and get to decide how to spend it to help those in need. Check in at your ELO, and then go straight to room 300 (Creative Foods room) to find out how to join Give Next!  See you there!


  • Science Olympiad will be hosting their first student informational meeting tomorrow, September 20th in Mrs. Murphy’s room, 526 during ELO. Please come to this meeting if you want to participate in Science Olympiad Club for the 2023-2024 school year, even if you have already made contact with Mrs. Murphy. If you are unable to attend for whatever reason, please contact Mrs. Murphy I am looking forward to seeing you all there! Have a great day.”


  • Hey Students! Did you know that we have a mascot and his name is Morty the mustang? How would you like to be the next Morty? We need one student with Kinard spirit and energy to wear our mascot costume at an upcoming high school football game. If you are interested, pick up a permission slip from the media center, fill it out with your parents and turn it in by this Thursday. We’ll pick one lucky winner next week. 


  • Students- Are you missing a bike helmet? We have a large collection of helmets that have been left on the skateboard storage rack in the cafeteria. We love that you are wearing helmets to ride safely to school each day, but please remember to grab them and wear them home each night too. At the end of this week, we will remove any helmets that remain on the rack to provide more room for skateboard and scooter storage. So make sure to take yours home with you by the end of the week!


  • Math Counts will meet today in the media center from 3:15 to 4:15. Please see Mrs. Williams in room 322 if you have any questions.


  • Today our football team hosts Webber middle school here at Kinard. Football players release time is 2:30.
  • Our boys tennis team plays Timnath. Tennis release time is 2:40. 
  • Our cross country team will be competing at CLP middle school. Release time for our cross country team will be 1:25 PM


  • Today the lunch options are:
    • Cheese ravioli and a roll
    • Meatball sandwich
    • Chicken Caesar Salad
  • Served for breakfast tomorrow is a egg, cheese, & bacon burrito


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