December 7, 2023

Submitted by stephanc on

December 7, 2023


Daily Announcements

Thursday, December 7th, 2023

Important Information:

  • National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day


  • Give Next will be meeting today (Thursday) during ELO in Room 519 (Verner’s room)


  • The Scholastic Book Fair is NEXT week! YAY!  The Book Fair begins next Wednesday, December 13th and continues until Saturday, December 16th.  We’re excited to be open during the school day and also during the Holiday Bazaar before the Madrigal Dinner on Friday and Saturday nights.  Catch you at the Fair!


  •  Hey everyone, we want to take a minute to talk about something super important. Everyone struggles, even if it doesn’t seem like it. It’s OK to not be OK. Here at Kinard and in PSD, we care about ourselves and each other. We all belong here, and you are never alone. If it just feels like too much and you don’t know what to do, remember:
    • If you need support in school now, connect with a trusted adult or a counselor. Counselors will connect you to help.
    • If someone you know needs help, ask how they’re doing, listen to them, and connect them to a trusted adult or a counselor. If you’re not in school, talk to a family member or call or text 988.
    • As we mentioned, we have incredible counselors, Ms. Irvine and Mrs. Young to talk to, and we have a student wellness room that students can access.
    • Again, it’s OK not to be OK. There are resources and people available to help. You are never alone, there is always hope.


  • Mustang Kickers Club is from 3:15 - 4 pm in room 416
  • Dungeons and Dragons Club is from 3:15 - 4:15 pm in room 505
  • Chess Club is tomorrow at 7am in room 524
  • FCA/FCT is also tomorrow at 7:30am in room 300



  • Congratulations to all 4 boys basketball teams for dominant wins over Lincoln yesterday.  Each team shot the lights out on offense and clamped down on defense to win by 30 in each game.



  • Today the lunch options are:
    • Taco bar beef or chicken
    • Taco salad
  • Served for breakfast tomorrow is a egg, cheese, and bacon breakfast burrito
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