
We know that all students can learn, however, we also know that at different stages in their educational careers, students will need extra support and time for that learning.  Whether it is due to the difficulty of the content, the timing of delivery, the method of instruction or the students’ participation in the learning, we want all students to master the curriculum and be successful.  At Kinard, we have several interventions to support the students on their road to success.

Extended Learning Opportunity (ELO)

ELO classes are designed to provide a smaller community group within our larger Kinard community in order to foster belonging, support transition and promote academic success.  ELO at Kinard takes place every day from 2:30-3:10 p.m.  Similar to an advisory period, students are given opportunities for peer tutoring, teacher support, individualized work time, enrichment and leadership.  

Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) / Response to Intervention (RtI)

Response to Intervention is a teaching and learning process using research-based instructional practices that reflect learners’ needs, monitor student learning progress, and modify and adjust instruction as necessary to ensure continued growth.  The 2004 reauthorization of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act prompted many U.S. schools to change from a discrepancy model, which relied on intelligence test scores and classroom performance to determine the presence of a learning disability, to a new more proactive and aggressive paradigm.  RTI is that new paradigm.

Foundational beliefs of RTI:

All students can learn.  If they are not learning, it is our responsibility as educators to determine how to increase their success in learning.

Learning results from interactions between the student and our instructional methods, techniques, and strategies.

Consistent use of differentiated instructions in the regular classroom enables most students to achieve learning goals.

When a student is struggling, early intervention is best.

Curriculum and instructional strategies must be research based.

Research based interventions are determined through careful analysis of student data.

Problem-solving methods are used by teacher sand teacher teams in determining appropriate interventions for students.

Progress of students should be regularly monitored, and classroom intervention and student responses to these interventions should be documented.

Progress monitoring informs classroom instruction and plans for interventions for students.

Collaborative efforts of classroom teachers and special educators benefit students and enhance student learning opportunities.

Response to Intervention is typically represented in a three-tier model:

In Tier I, all students are engaged in differentiated instruction in the general curriculum.

In Tier II, strategies include the use of small groups and more intensive instruction that is reflective of flexible instructional groups and tiered assignments used in differentiation.

In Tier III, the special education referral and due process procedures may be initiated. 

PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.