August 28, 2023

Submitted by stephanc on

August 28, 2023


Daily Announcements

Monday, August 28, 2023


Important Information:

  • National Bow Tie Day

  • A big Congratulations to the following grade for winning the Golden Horseshoe for the most spirit at the assembly on Friday and for also winning to get to play Gaga first. That grade is 7th grade!


  • Students, here are a few reminders about arriving to school
    • If you get dropped off in a car at school in the morning, please be sure to have your driver pull all the way to the end of the curve and get out of your car on the right side, the side that is near the curb. Please don’t get out on the left side of your car because cars may be going by in the drive through lane and it isn’t safe to exit from this side.
    • Bicycle Riders – There is plenty of space to store your bikes daily in the bike racks.  Please utilize the bike racks and lock up your bikes.  Please do not use trees or leave your bike laying in the grass.  If you need help with your bike, please ask an adult for assistance.
    • Skateboards, long boards and scooters – please walk your boards and scooters down to the cafeteria and utilize the skateboard storage rack that is near the composting station


  • The office already has a growing collection of lost and found items. If you are missing a water bottle, lunchbox, or other items, please come check in the office. We also recommend you write your name on all your belongings because then it is much easier to return items to you if they get lost.



  • Are you interested in joining either Robotics or Science Olympiad this year? Mr. Berthold and Mrs. Murphy will be holding a joint interest meeting to explain both of the clubs during ELO this Wednesday, August 30. On Wednesday, first go to your regular ELO for attendance, then come to room 510 (Mr. Berthold’s room) for the meeting at 2:35 PM.


  • Today the lunch options are:
    • Mac & Cheese
    • Chicken Drumsticks & roll
    • Chef Salad
  • Served for breakfast tomorrow are mini cinnamon rolls
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