March 4th

Submitted by marniea on

March 4th

Important Information:

  • Attention 7th graders!  If you are looking for another leadership opportunity being a WEB leader could be perfect for you!  WEB leaders are students that assist incoming 6th graders in their transition to school. Being a WEB leader does not interfere with other leadership classes. Applications are available in Student Services and are due March 11th. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Young, Ms. Irvine or Mrs. Bell.

  • Applications for Unified basketball and Unified PE are now available in Student

Services. Unified PE is open to current 7th graders and Unified basketball is open to all grade levels.  Applications are due TODAY. See Mr. Anaya, Ms. Irvine, or Mrs. Dietz with questions

  • It is now time to announce the Kinard Character Award for this week!  These 2 students were nominated by their peers and staff as representing Kinard Character. The 2 winners are Jack Miles and Faye Safadi!   Congratulations Faye and Jack!  Please go to the Main Office today to pick up your prize!


  • Attention Science Olympiad participants!  Stop by Mr. McGonagil’s room to get your packet for the Regional Competition tomorrow. Make sure you leave your event materials with Mr. McGonagil to bring to Fossil Ridge. Best wishes to all Science Olympiad participants in the regional competition!


  • The wrestling district championships are tomorrow!  We would love to see our Kinard fans at Ft Collins High School for this event.  Matches start at 8am.  Let’s go Mustangs!

  • Kinard golf tryouts are tentatively set for next week!  If you are planning to try out for golf, make certain you have completed the registration process.  If you have questions, see Mrs. Arnold.   


  • Today for lunch we are serving chicken and waffles, hummus and veggie box and the hot sandwich line will be open.
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