September 15, 2022

Submitted by cbonertz on


Daily Announcements

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Important Information:

  • This is the last day of this week to meet the Kinard Character challenge by helping Mr. E. keep Kinard looking great inside and outside the building. This may include picking up trash, picking up sports equipment, and anything else that may be helpful.
  • All Students please check the LOST & FOUND today for any lost items before the three day weekend. If any GT students left lunch boxes, water bottles, or anything else behind in the Media Center yesterday, it is in the front office in the LOST & FOUND, please come claim your items that got left behind.
  • GOOD MORNING STUDENTS IN KINARD GT!  For students in GT who were absent or want more information for ALP goal choices, please see Mrs. Grigg today in the GT office for a pass for ELO to go to the media center.  Super helpful info, ALP packets, folders and GT lanyards are available if you did not receive these items or want additional support.   
  • Joke of the day:
    • Q. Why was the music teacher not able to open his class room?
    • A. Because his keys were on the piano.

Dress Policy

Students, we are going to review with you the key parts of our dress policy because these guidelines help us ensure cleanliness, health, safety, and a positive learning environment. 

As stated in the district policy:

  • Students must wear: a shirt (with fabric in the front, back, and on the sides underneath the arms); pants or the equivalent (e.g. a skirt, sweatpants, leggings, a dress, or shorts); and shoes (e.g. sandals, boots, or athletic shoes). All apparel must be opaque and worn in a way that covers breasts, nipples, genitals, midriff, and buttocks. 
  • Clothing choices need to allow for the participation in all school-related activities (e.g. flip flops, Crocs, and sandals are okay for school, but students should bring athletic shoes when they participate in P.E. and health classes due to the activity level).
  • Students who wear shirts with inappropriate statements or pictures that cause or have the potential to cause disruption to the learning of others will be asked to wear the shirt inside out or will be provided with another shirt if one is available. They may also call home and ask their parents to bring a different shirt or top. 
  • Hats or hoods that do not obscure a student’s face or ears are permitted. 


  • Fitness club starts back up on Monday, right after school until 4pm in the small Gym and again on Wednesday. See Mr. Rollings in Room 312 to sign up.
  • Math Counts is on Tuesday of next week in the Media Center from 3:15pm-4:15pm. You can see Ms. Bonertz in the office or at lunch if you have any questions or need more information.


  • Our cross country team has a meet against Blevins and Webber today at Fossil Creek Park.  Those athletes will be released at 1:35.
  • Our varsity tennis team plays Preston today at Fossil Creek Park.  Those athletes will be released at 1:35.

Athletes:  please be aware that your release time is earlier than was previously communicated. Again, cross country and varsity tennis both are released today at 1:35.


  • Today the lunch options are:
    • Taco Bar beef or chicken
    • Taco Salad
  • Served for breakfast on Monday is a breakfast round
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