February 29, 2024

Submitted by stephanc on

February 29, 2024


Daily Announcements

Thursday, February 29th, 2024

Important Information:

  • National Leap Day
    • It was Julius Caesar and astronomer Sosigenes who revamped the Roman calendar giving it 12 months with equally (almost) distributed days and adding a leap day every 4 years.


  • Attention 7th graders
    • Looking for another leadership opportunity to join?  Remember when you were a 6th grader and had those amazing WEB leaders help you?  Now is your opportunity to become a WEB leader for our incoming 6th graders!  Applications are available in Student Services.  Being a WEB leader will not interfere with any other leadership classes. Applications are due March 6th. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Young, Ms. Irvine or Mrs. Beecher.


  • The Kinard Dodgeball tournament is happening next week! Register a team or as a free agent by this Friday, March 1st to play! Scan the QR code on the posters in the hallway or visit tiny URL dot com slash Kinard dodgeball for more information!


  • We had a large number of you participate in our February Blind Date with a Book Challenge!  We have loved reading your book reviews and have learned a lot about these books through your lens.  Congratulations to Delaney Moss, Arwen Curran, Jien Huang who submitted their book review and have won a free poster!  Come on down to the media center now to pick out your poster.



  • Hey everyone, we want to take a minute to talk about something super important. Everyone struggles, even if it doesn’t seem like it. It’s OK to not be OK. Here at Kinard and in PSD, we care about ourselves and each other. We all belong here, and you are never alone. If it just feels like too much and you don’t know what to do, remember:
    • If you need support in school now, connect with a trusted adult or a counselor. Counselors will connect you to help.
    • If someone you know needs help, ask how they’re doing, listen to them, and connect them to a trusted adult or a counselor. If you’re not in school, talk to a family member or call or text 988.
    • As we mentioned, we have incredible counselors, Ms. Irvine and Mrs. Young to talk to, and we have a student wellness room that students can access.
    • Again, it’s OK not to be OK. There are resources and people available to help. You are never alone, there is always hope.



  • Mustang Kickers Club is from 3:15 - 4 pm in room 416
  • Dungeons and Dragons Club is from 3:15 - 4:15 pm in room 505
  • Chess Club is tomorrow at 7am in room 524
  • FCA/FCT is also tomorrow at 7:30am in room 300



  • Undefeated! Varsity, JV and C2 teams all grabbed wins yesterday against Webber. All three teams ended the regular season 9 and O in the regular seasons  The C1 team beat Webber last night to finish 8 and 1.  Amazing job!  JV and varsity head to the postseason Monday here at Kinard!  


  • Spring sports are starting!  If you are going to participate in softball, track and field, tryouts for golf or unified basketball NOW is the time to register on sports engine, turn in a valid sports physical and pay your $140 sports fee. 


  • Hey softball players and golfers!  Softball camp starts Monday and Golf tryouts start on March 19th.  Yes, next week is softball camp and golf tryouts!  In order to participate in either of these activities you must have a valid sports physical on file with Mrs. Arnold.  Aren’t sure you have that valid physical?  Check in with Mrs. Arnold today.



  • Today the lunch options are:
    • Taco bar chicken & rice
    • Taco salad
  • Served for breakfast tomorrow is a pancake and sausage wrap.


PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.