Order the Kinard 2022-23 Yearbook now!
We are excited to share with you options for ordering your child a copy of Kinard’s 2022-2023 award-winning yearbook! For your convenience, we have several ordering options:
- You can order a yearbook online at Jostens.com now!
- You can complete the online order form using a computer during Kinard’s registration process.
- You can pick up a flyer from our main office through September 9th.
On the order form, you will notice that the yearbook is the cheapest it will be all year. The price of the yearbook will increase after September 9th. And there's an added bonus for ordering now! You can include four free icons with your order if you opt for the $8.00 personalization option.
The yearbook staff looks forward to another year of collecting memories for the Kinard community! If you have questions about our yearbook, please contact the Yearbook Adviser, Ally Lonac, alonac@psdschools.org.
Click here to order a yearbook.
Click here for information on 8th grade baby ads.
Parents of 8th Graders - While you are enjoying a search for your favorite baby pictures, we also invite you to get a jump on spring activities by sending a baby picture for our 8th Grade Slide Show to Shamie Beecher, sbeecher@psdschools.org. We will ask for this again in the spring, so be sure to make a note that you already did it!