Registration Information
August registration is a very important event for Kinard families. At least one parent and the student are required to attend registration. The registration format is an “open-house” based on grade level, so come at your convenience on the date and during the time indicated below. Please park in the front (south) parking lot and enter through the Music Doors.
Thursday, August 4th |
7th and 8th grades |
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (Last names A-L) 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. (Last names M-Z) |
Friday, August 5th |
6th grade |
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. |
Monday, August 8th |
Make-up registration, all grades
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. |
Monday, August 15th Tuesday, August 16th |
6th grade – first day of school 7th and 8th grades – first day of school While we highly recommend registering prior to the first day of school, staff will also be available for registration during the morning prior to the first days of school. This should only be considered an option if you have been out of town or otherwise unable to attend registration on the scheduled days. Skillman Photography will not be present, and make-up pictures are scheduled for September 1st. |
7:20 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. |
On registration days, we will be distributing schedules, assigning lockers and student laptops, and collecting important forms and contributions. Students will have access to lockers if they choose to bring school supplies, and individual student pictures will be taken by Skillman Photography (Thursday and Friday only with make-up pictures scheduled for September 1st).
Here are additional details to help ensure a smooth registration process and an amazing start to our school year!
- Kinard Contribution Campaign: In lieu of traditional class fees, we use a streamlined process and request an annual contribution for each student.
- Read an overview and letter from Principal Lindsey Matkin regarding the annual contribution program.
- Watch a video that explains how the contribution program benefits our school, students, and community.
- You can make your contribution at registration by cash, check, or credit card. Or, you can pay your contribution ahead of time by clicking here (SchoolPay may not be updated by the district until after August 1st so try again later if the site shows “item is unavailable”).
- Student Laptops: All students will be issued a district-provided laptop for school-related use at school and home throughout the year.
- Please read Kinard’s Student Technology and Computer Use Agreement. This also includes tips for caring for your laptop.
- There is no fee associated with the assignment of a laptop. Students will be charged $26 for lost chargers.
- SchoolPay, Online Payment System: SchoolPay is PSD’s online system to allow families to pay for school meals as well as for items such as athletic participation fees, annual contributions, field trips, and school merchandise.
- To learn more about SchoolPay, visit the district’s website.
- To set up a SchoolPay account, click here.
- Supply Lists: Click here to see our supply lists for all grade levels.
- Athletics: Click here for more information about athletics, the registration process, and required forms. The PSD athletics site is hosted by SportsEngine, and it will continue to be updated between now and the beginning of the sports' seasons. We will also have a representative available at registration to answer questions.
- Immunizations: Please bring a paper copy of your student’s most recent, updated immunization records to August registration. Click here for additional information from our health office about immunizations and medications.
- Lockers: Students will be given locker information and are welcome to decorate and arrange their lockers during registration. Click here for instructions on opening lockers.
- Forms: If you prefer to complete forms prior to the event, we have provided the forms electronically for your convenience below. However, we will also provide all the necessary forms on registration day if you prefer to complete them during registration while at Kinard.
· Required forms to complete electronically or print and bring on registration day:
· Student Individual Profile: We will have paper copies of your student’s individual profile for you to update at registration. You will also be able to change your address or contact information. As an alternative (but only after August 10th), you can do this online. If you need to update information online at any time after August 10th, please log in to ParentVue and go to “Student Information.” If there is any information you can not update, please call our registrar, Susan Klock, at 970-488-5414.
· PE Uniform Order Form (click here to complete the electronic form):
o All students new to Kinard (including all 6th grade students) must order a PE uniform, and the cost of the initial uniform is built into the Contribution Fund.
o Returning 7th and 8th graders may re-use their uniforms from the previous school year or order a new uniform if needed. The cost of replacement uniforms are $4 for a shirt and $7 for shorts.
· 2022-2023 Students Rights & Code of Conduct (click here to access Student/ParentVUE to read the PSD Code of Conduct): parents and secondary students must electronically sign and acknowledge they have received and read the Code of Conduct before gaining access to Student/ParentVUE for the year.
· Optional forms to complete electronically or print and bring on registration day:
· Skillman Photography Order Form (Pictures will be taken of all students, but ordering a package is optional. Click here to preview package options and/or order online using school code KCMS2022. Order forms will also be available during registration.)
· PSD Online Meal Payment Option in SchoolPay (click here)
· 2022-2023 Yearbook Online Order Form (click here to order a yearbook)
· 2022-2023 Kinard Spirit Gear (click here to order Mustang gear)
· PSD Parent Non-Permission Form (click here to print and complete): if completed please bring to registration day; this is not a required form. We will have hard copies of the non-permission form available at registration upon request.
We look forward to having a great 2022-2023 school year! If you have questions about registration, please contact Cecilia Bonertz, Academic Dean, at 970-488-5407 or at cbonertz@psdschools.org.