6th Grade:
Your child either received Kinard’s 6th grade registration packet at school the week of Jan. 31, or you have received the 6th grade registration packet by email. If you do not have a copy of the registration packet, you can access it here: 6th grade registration packet.
To complete the registration process for your child, you must fill out an online registration form, which can be found here: https://bit.ly/KIN-6th-MUSIC. This form is due Friday, February 18th, 2022.
If your student is applying for World Language, please follow the instructions in the packet and note that the deadline is also February 18th.
7th and 8th Grades:
Current 6th and 7th graders will be receiving their registration materials for next year’s courses during the week of February 7-11th. Parents will also be sent an email with registration resources by the end of that week. Registration forms are due February 18th to the Student Services Office.
High school registration:
Current 8th graders will be listening to presentations from our five comprehensive high schools on February 11th. If your 8th grader is not going to one of PSD’s five comprehensive high schools, you may want to contact their high school for registration information. High school registration forms are to be completed by February 25th when high school counselors will be here at Kinard to talk with students individually and collect those forms.
More information for 8th grade families regarding planning for high school.
When the registration materials come home for all grade levels, please encourage your student to read the course descriptions thoroughly. Registering for classes is a commitment and influences the development of the master schedule both here and at the high school. Making changes in the fall can be problematic.
Please feel free to contact or Patti Young (students with last names A-G at 970-488-5406 or pyoung@psdschools.org) or Karen Irvine (students with last name H-Z at 970-488-5408 or kirvine@psdschools.org) with any questions.